How To Complete Dusting Fields In Fnaf World


FNaF World created by Scott Cawthon.
Images used for educational purposes only.

The glitched area, called the &. TWRE, is a special, optional area in FNaF World that exists as an overlay on the normal world map. It is only accessed via specific means. In this area, only specific items may be interacted with whereas the rest will simply be walked over, including things like trees, rocks, characters, and chests. There are, however, invisible walls that prevent the. I found a weird glitch in FNaF World Easter Egg Ok this glitch occurs when heading to Dusting fields theres a spot near the cave entrance after beating the snow man fella.

How To Complete Dusting Fields In Fnaf World Mod

- Choppy’s Woods is the area immediately surrounding Fazbear Hills. You’ll know the difference between the two areas once you start seeing trees that have been chopped down. Hence, I assume, the name. You’ll encounter many of the same enemies you met in Fazbear Hills here, as well as some newbs who are stronger:
  • Totemole. Your standard hitters, though a few notches stronger than the dudes you fought in Fazbear Hills. They often appear in packs.
  • Chop ’N Roll. More or less the namesake enemies of the area. They’re dangerous in groups if you wander in here accidentally early in your travels. Red attacks are ideal.
- The first, semi-contained section of Choppy’s Woods is to the east of Fazbear Hills, and I recommend heading this direction first. The first thing you’ll find is another Lolbit’s Byte Store, where you can purchase Medpod 1,Medpod 2, and Mega-Med. The three Bytes are on healing duty during battle, which can be really handy for recruitment battles.
- Just north of Lolbit and on your left are two large trees. If you walk behind these trees you can get at a hidden chest containing the Headstart: Speed Chip.
The (not terribly) rare and (only moderately) elusive Totemole,
one of the fiends patrolling Choppy's Woods.
- To properly access the remainder of Choppy’s Woods you’ll need to head west out of Fazbear Heights and then south. Once you’ve spoken to Fredbear, check the wavering tree to your left. This will zip you into a Sub-Tunnel, a weird, wonderful, blue area that will essentially allow you to teleport. There are two little warp thingers in here; touch the second one.
- You’ll pop out beside Fredbear. Speak to him again and he’ll tell you to touch the yellow button to your left. This will create a Jump point, similar to the one you have for Fazbear Heights, that will allow you to instantly zip back to this point in Choppy’s Woods. Handy.
Clock Task

Wait out Fredbear's dialogue and let him linger on the 'Done' button for a few seconds to receive another clock-finding mission. This one appears in Dusting Fields, the next area in the game, and it's in a pretty obvious spot near another Lolbit's Byte Store. Touch the four glowing panels in the following minigame before time is up, in this order: top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right.
- Head south. There’s a lovely little seagull on your right and the rest of the path on your left. If you slip through the tree beside the seagull you’ll find a cave known as the Mysterious Mine. I wouldn’t suggest going in yet, as the enemies inside are just a touch too strong for your party.
- Glitch alert! Remember that seagull? Walk up against that stump it's sitting on for a few seconds. This will activate a glitch, allowing you to ignore boundary restrictions and wander around over the landscape until you touch the seagull again. You can use this glitch to reach Gearlily Lake, in the northeast, and grab a red chest containing the Auto: Shield Chip. You will get your butt thwomped if you try to do this early in the game, as the enemies hereabouts are end-of-the-game strong, so use caution.
- Return to the main path and take a left. If you swing north as you wander west you’ll see a treasure chest, guarded by another Auto Chipper. Easy pickings at this point. The chest contains the Evercomet: Weak Chip.
- Return to the main path and meander west. You’ll soon hit the fringes of Choppy’s Woods and find a new area to explore, Dusting Fields. (There’s more to Choppy’s Woods, but you can’t get at it yet, so keep on goin’.)
FNaF World created by Scott Cawthon.
Images used for educational purposes only.

Part Two: Choppy's Woods

- The next major area, Dusting Fields, is located on the far western fringes of Choppy’s Woods. You’ll know you’re there when… well, you’ll just know. (The Jump point acquisition is a not-so-subtle hint.) If you can handle the enemies of Choppy’s Woods without losing a party member in a battle, you’re probably ready for this area. You’ll start running into the following enemies if you wander out into Dusting Fields:
  • BoxBytes. They combine normal hits with the Gloom attacks of the Phantoms. Not a huge deal.
  • Chillaxes. They like to attack normally. Flashy!
  • Flans. Quite slow compared to most enemies, Flans are quite dangerous thanks to their high health and tendency to all attack at roughly the same time. They use Balloon attacks to smack your characters en masse, and can quickly wipe you out. Stay on top of your healing at all times.
- The path splits near the entrance. Swing north and you can pass through several trees to get at a chest. The chest contains the Quickstart: Party Chip.
- Wander west until you hit the edge of the screen. You may find some Token chests out here as you hit a split in the path. There’s a prominent lock to the south which you can’t bypass, so you’re kinda forced north. There’s another Lolbit’s Byte Store up here, this one selling Mini-Reapers, Reapers, and X-Reapers. From what I can tell these little guys have a chance of instantly killing enemies, though… not a very good one.
Fnaf world how to progress- Fredbear’s waiting for you in the north. You may know what that means.
Clock Task

Fredbear gabs. When you reach the screen with the 'Done' button, wait him out for a few seconds and he'll glitch out. He'll then tell you to enter Mysterious Mine, the next area to the north. Head north two intersections, until you hit a rock, then check on the left for the clock. Walk left to push the four cupcakes into their boxes.

Fnaf World How To Progress

Once Fredbear’s gone, one way or another, you’ll find a frozen fiend waiting juuuuust to the north.
Bouncer, a boss in FNaF World.
He does, indeed, bounce.

How To Complete Dusting Fields In Fnaf World Free

This dude’s a big step up from the Auto Chippers in terms of difficulty. Along with a normal attack that can do upwards of 150 damage to a single character, Bouncer has a Snowball attack that will thoroughly batter your whole party. Hold up on the healing even a little bit and you’re apt to lose a party member, and everything will go downhill from there. Equip Bytes that will attack Bouncer and heal yourself, then focus most of your efforts on buffing and restoring your party while the Bytes do most of the damage. Poison attacks from one of the Phantoms, such as Phantom Mangle, can go a long way to sapping Bouncer’s strength as well.
- Besting Bouncer will allow you to access a Subtunnel. This Subtunnel will, if you go north, take you to a flashing tree that leads to a second Subtunnel, which in turn brings you back to the first one and zips you over to Choppy’s Woods. Here you’ll find Fredbear waiting, and the switch near him opens the way to the next area, Lilygear Lake. (Walk through the trees near the switch to get to a chest containing the Run: Luck Chip.)

Fnaf World Free

- Are we going to Lilygear Lake yet? Heck no. There’s another entrance to the Mysterious Mine up here, and now you should be strong enough to brave the depths. In we go...?
- NOPE. Not yet. Before entering the Mine, look to the weird, flexing Freddy and / or Foxy shadow on the log near the entrance. There's a rock to the right of this shadow that you glitch into by pressing up against the bottom. This will allow you to travel across the landscape at will and get at a red chest back east, on the outskirts of Fazbear Hills. The chest contains the Block: Unscrew Chip. Be warned, however! Like all glitch landscapes this one is filled with deadly enemies who can give even level 30 characters a run for their money, and you woooon't be that strong on your first visit. Touch the rock again to return to the 'normal' world.